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nuvo API

Our nuvo API is organised around REST. It has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs. You can use our nuvo API in test mode, which is free of charge. Our nuvo API doesn’t support bulk updates. You can work on only one object per request.

Is it your first time using APIs?

Check out our guide here to get you going.

Not a developer?

Don’t worry! You can also integrate the flow into your own application, allowing customer support or your customers to handle some of the tasks. Check out our guides on how to use our embeddable components.

What can you do with the nuvo API?

The nuvo API gives you full flexibility and access to everything in regards to your nuvo pipelines. The base URL is always the same and there is a dedicated page explaining each end point as well.

Base URL

Available endpoints

API options

All of our endpoints work with the same query parameter functionality. When sending your request, you first have to stringify your parameters.

{ sort: { field: 'asc' | 'desc' ... }, filters: { field: string, ... }, options: { attach_meta: boolean } pagination: { limit: number, offset: number, } }




  • Provide the offset and the limit which should be applied to the data
pagination: { offset: number, limit: number }


  • Sort on any field which is directly linked to the entity
  • Sort on multiple fields
  • Sort on nested objects with dot notation
  • Sorting options: asc & desc
sort: { name: "asc", age: "desc", "configuration.developer_mode": "asc" }
sort: { name: "asc", age: "desc" }


  • Filter on any field which is directly linked to the entity
  • Filter on nested objects with dot notation
filters: { name: "John", age: 40 }
filters: { name: { $in: ['James', 'John'] } }, age: { $gt : 40 } }
filters: { $or: [ { created_at: { $lt : '11.12.2022' } }, { created_at: { $gt: '11.12.2010' } } ], "configDetails.developer_mode": true }


  • Pass certain options to affect the data that is returned
  • attach_meta: used when you want to return custom fields that are needed for the UI but aren't part of the schema

How the API responds



A single object or a list of objects


Object containing information about the error that occurred


A message explaining the error in detail


The code of the error that occurred


Metadata about the applied pagination


The total number of records (after filters have been applied)


The applied offset value


The number of records sent in the response


{ data: {} or [], error: { message: string, code: number }, pagination: { total: number, offset: number, limit: number } }