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Column Types

For each column of a target data model, you can define a columnType to determine which format or - in some cases - which data type the output is supposed to have. By default, the columntType equals string. If you want a different data type for the output data, you can set the key to either int, float and many more.

Apart from defining the data type, all the options mentioned above and the other options contain pre-built data validations to ensure that the user-submitted data is in the correct format. An error message is shown if the imported data does not fit the column type's validation rule.

On this page, you will find a collection of all available options for the columnType prop, along with examples of valid input data and the corresponding output format.

To use the column types, you must define the columnType property of a column within the target data model.


columns: [ { label: "Product ID", key: "product_id", columnType: "string", }, { label: "EAN", key: "ean_gtin", columnType: "gtin", }, { label: "Price", key: "price", columnType: "float", }, { label: "Manufacturing Date", key: "man_date", columnType: "date", outputFormat: "MM/DD/YYYY" }, ]

List of column types

Text (default)

DescriptionThe cells in this column are displayed as free text fields. The output has the data type string. string is the default columnType if no columnType is defined.
Input example"Hello World", "Nuvo GmbH" or "20095 Hamburg"

Output format

[ { "company_name": "Nuvo GmbH" } ]

Integer number (int)

DescriptionThe cells in this column are displayed as free text fields that display an error message if the input is not numerical or a decimal number. The output has the data type int. The display of the value is controlled by the property numberFormat.
Input example"1", "20", "318", "1.000" or "1,000"

Output format

[ { "counter": 100 } ]

Decimal number (float)

DescriptionThe cells in this column are displayed as free text fields that display an error message if the input is not numerical. The output has the data type float. The display of the value is controlled by the property numberFormat.
Input example"1", "20,2", "318,4", "10.000,25" or "10,000.25"

Output format

[ { "price": 10.22 } ]

Bank Identifier Code (BIC)

DescriptionThe cells in this column are displayed as free text fields that display an error message if the input does not match the bank identifier code format (spaces are not allowed).

Output format

[ { "client_bic": "GENODEF1SFD" } ]

Currency EUR

DescriptionThis column type combines the amount as well as the currency information for euro. Whether the input is the amount, or the amount in combination with "EUR" or "€" symbol, it will all be normalized within the "Review Entries"-step. The output object contains both information in separate properties, the amount as a float and the currency "EUR" as string. The display of the value is controlled by the property numberFormat.
Input example"40,00 EUR", "42,50€" or "45,22"

Output format

[ { "price": { "value": 45.22, "type": "EUR" } } ]

Currency USD

DescriptionThis column type combines the amount as well as the currency information for US Dollar. Whether the input is the amount, or the amount in combination with "USD" or "$" symbol, it will all be normalized within the "Review Entries"-step. The output object contains both information in separate properties, the amount as a float and the currency "USD" as string. The display of the value is controlled by the property numberFormat.
Input example"40,00 USD", "42,50$", "USD 35,09" or "$45.22"

Output format

[ { "price": { "value": 45.22, "type": "USD" } } ]


DescriptionThe cells in this column are displayed as date fields that display an error message if the input does not match the format defined in outputFormat.

With date, you can cover all your preferred date and timestamp formats such as MM/DD/YYYY, DD.MM.YYYY, YYYY-MM-DD, etc. Check out the outputFormat key to see which date variables are available.

Email Address

DescriptionThe cells in this column are displayed as email fields that display an error message if the input is not a valid email address.
Input example"[email protected]", "[email protected]" or "[email protected]"

Output format

[ { "mail_address": "[email protected]" } ]

European VAT Number

DescriptionThe cells in this column are displayed as free text fields that display an error message if the input is not a valid European VAT number. If you need more information regarding European VAT numbers, have a look here.
Input example"DE999999999", "DK12345678" or "FR12345678901"

Output format

[ { "ust_id": "DK12345678" } ]


DescriptionThe cells in this column are gtin/ean fields that display an error message if the input is not a valid GTIN/EAN. Further information regarding the GTIN/EAN verification can be found here.
Input example"4270002835450", "12345670" or "012345000010"

Output format

[ { "ean": "4270002835450" } ]

International Bank Account Number (IBAN)

DescriptionThe cells in this column are displayed as IBAN fields that display an error message if the input is not a valid European IBAN.
Input example"DE89370400440532013000", "BE71096123456769" or "AT483200000012345864"

Output format

[ { "customer_iban": "AT483200000012345864" } ]


DescriptionThe cells in this column are displayed as percentage fields that display an error message if the input is not a numeric value nor contains a string with only numbers and a percentage sign (%). All valid inputs are converted into percent (0,12 -> 12%), but the output is a float. The display of the value is controlled by the property numberFormat.
Input example"12%", "12", "12,8" or "12.8"

Output format

[ { "market_share": 0.1 } ]

Phone Number

DescriptionThe cells in this column are displayed as phone number fields that display an error message if the input is not a valid phone number (spaces are not allowed). The input needs to start with "00", or with "+" and the country code.
Input example"0049123419191919" or "+49123419191919"

Output format

[ { "customer_phone": "0049123419191919" } ]


DescriptionThe cells in this column are displayed as website fields that display an error message if the input is not a valid url. The input is not allowed to contain a prefix like "www" or "https".
Input example"", "" or ""

Output format

[ { "website": "" } ]

URL with https

DescriptionThe cells in this column are displayed as website fields that display an error message if the input is not a valid url beginning with "https".
Input example"", "" or ""

Output format

[ { "website": "" } ]

URL with www

DescriptionThe cells in this column are displayed as website fields that display an error message if the input is not a valid url beginning with "www".
Input example"", "" or ""

Output format

[ { "website": "" } ]

ZIP Code AT & DE

DescriptionThe cells in this column are displayed as zip code fields that display an error message if the input is not a valid German or Austrian postal code.
Input example"12345" or "1234"

Output format

[ { "address_zip": "12345" } ]

Full Example

Below is a code snippet of a target data model containing all column types:


columns = [ { key: "string", label: "Text", columnType: "string", }, { key: "integer", label: "Integer", columnType: "int", }, { key: "float", label: "Float number", columnType: "float", }, { key: "bic", label: "BIC", columnType: "bic", }, { key: "iban", label: "IBAN", columnType: "iban", }, { key: "eur_currency", label: "EUR currency", columnType: "currency_eur", }, { key: "usd_currency", label: "US currency", columnType: "currency_usd", }, { key: "date", label: "Date", columnType: "date", outputFormat: "MM/DD/YYYY", }, { key: "mail", label: "Email Address", columnType: "email", }, { key: "vat", label: "VAT number", columnType: "vat_eu", }, { key: "gtin", label: "GTIN", columnType: "gtin", }, { key: "share", label: "Percentage", columnType: "percentage", }, { key: "phone", label: "Phone number", columnType: "phone", }, { key: "url", label: "URL", columnType: "url", }, { key: "example_https_url", label: "URL HTTPS", columnType: "url_https", }, { key: "example_url_www", label: "URL WWW", columnType: "url_www", }, { key: "zip", label: "ZIP Code", columnType: "zip_code_de", }, ];