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PipelineDetails Embeddable

The PipelineDetails embeddable provides a straightforward, UI-based workflow for managing pipeline details. You can easily update all components, such as the target data model and input and output connectors. Additionally, you can modify the pipeline’s schedule and error threshold. In addition, it lets you view key metadata, including the pipeline ID, number of executions, the last execution timestamp, and more.

Configure the component based on your specific use case

Add the code snippet below and insert the component on the page where you want it to appear:



Add here your access token


Add here the ID of the pipeline you want to display



Allows you to override each text element in the interface


Defines the language of the flow. So far we only support English ("en")


Defines whether the component is shown inline (false) or within a modal view (true)


Defines whether the "Create target data model" button is shown in the target data model selection dropdown when updating the setup of the pipeline


Defines whether the "Create connector" button is shown in the input connector selection dropdown when updating the setup of the pipeline


Defines whether the "Create connector" button is shown in the output connector selection dropdown when updating the setup of the pipeline


Runs after the user has triggered the run of a new execution


Runs after the user saved changes they made to the pipeline


Runs after the user has clicked on the "Delete"-button in the 3-dot menu


Runs after the user has clicked on the "Create connector" button in the input or output connector selection dropdown when updating the setup of the pipeline


Runs after the user has clicked on the "Create target data model" button in the target data model selection dropdown when updating the setup of the pipeline


Runs when the user trys to exit the "Pipeline Details" by closing the modal using the "X" button or clicking outside the modal


i18nOverrides: {},
language: "en",
modal: boolean (default: false),
allowTdmCreation: boolean (default: false),
allowInputConnectorCreation: boolean (default: false),
allowOutputConnectorCreation: boolean (default: false)
onExecutionRun={({data}) => {
// runs when the user presses the "Run" button and an execution is triggered
// data: execution object after update
onPipelineUpdate={({data}) => {
// runs after the pipeline is updated via the "Edit setup" flow, "Edit configuration" flow, the "Active" toggle or the "Dev mode" toggle
// data: pipeline object after update
onClose={() => {
// runs when the creation workflow is closed via the "Cancel" button or the "X" button
onPipelineDelete={({data}) => {
// runs when the pipeline is deleted via "Delete" button
// data: deleted pipeline object
onConnectorCreate={({reload, connectorType}) => {
// runs when the user presses the "Create connector" button
// reload: on function call, refetch the connectors
// connectorType: "input" or "output"
onTdmCreate={({reload}) => {
// runs when the user presses the "Create target data model" button
// reload: on function call, refetch the TDMs